Mighty Writers Rebrand

Mighty Writers was founded in 2009 in South Philly. The organization was started with the intention to teach kids to write, and their mission statement has evolved to “to teach kids to think clearly and write with clarity so they can achieve success.” All programs are free for children age 7–17 and taught by volunteers.

This redesign was intended to bring a freshness to the Mighty Writers brand. The previous design language felt heavy and outdated—this new language offers chances for playful imagery or more serious, sophisticated moments without feeling monotonous or disjointed. The new logo can be interpreted in many different ways and encompasses the many different ways Mighty Writers enriches peoples’s lives— through relationships between volunteers and students, encouraging children to read and create stories they’re invested in, and giving people a sense of “mightiness” they may not have previously had.

© Copyright 2019 Alissa Outwater